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What is Food Noise?

Food noise refers to heightened and/or persistent reactions to food, often leading to food-related intrusive thoughts and maladaptive eating behaviors¹. While it's normal to think about food, when these thoughts become constant or overwhelming, they can significantly impact daily life and well-being.

Levels of Food Noise are always changing

Food noise isn't something that can be measured at just a single time point. Just like your hunger, mood, and emotions change throughout the day, so does your Food Noise Score³.

Our structured Food Noise assessment tool assesses Food Noise when it's happening, allowing you to deliver the intervention when it's needed.

Contact us to learn how to monitor and manage your patient's food noise.



  1. Hayashi D, Edwards C, Emond JA, Gilbert-Diamond D, Butt M, Rigby A, Masterson TD. What Is Food Noise? A Conceptual Model of Food Cue Reactivity. Nutrients. 2023 Nov 17;15(22):4809.
  2. Beyond Hunger: Understanding Food Noise
  3. Internal Reactivity Insights Data - publication forthcoming